great vine crops this year and incredible demand right up to halloween(today). at one point i thought we harvested way more than we could sell, however, the demand was so good right to the end that i think there isn't even one full bin out in the shed.
these two lovelys i could not part with at any price. for a while i was bringing them to market just for people to look, maybe touch, maybe. at one point, a fellow vendor, who shall remain nameless, sent a "customer" to offer me 50 dollars for the one on the right. they were somewhat surprised that i didnt accept the offer. certainly something we do and enjoy should be above, or maybe outside of, commerce.
it was pretty funny at first, however, eventually, i had to hide them in the cab because there were so few pumpkins left to sell that people gravitated to these and then were sort of mad that they couldn't buy them.
i won't carve them. i suspect they'll last a few weeks on the kitchen table.
still have squash and pie pumpkins for november.
the season moves on; birch, dogwood, spruce tops, broom corn for a few weeks, then Christmas trees.