Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Aug 25

We're on the down hill side of field melons, however, wow, the September melons are growing into the rafters. 
  The first photo is of all the pruning of branches we do this time of year in the tomatoes.  Lots of nice  heirlooms this week.
  Sweet corn, melons, tomatoes 
Weds 3-6pm at Mother Earth gardens,  Longfellow 
Saturday mill city farmers market 
Sunday Mnpls farmers market 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Even more melons

Piel de sapo,  Petra negra, sunshine, sureness, Marie's choice, Marie Antoinette 
  Sweet corn and tomatoes too 
 Weds,  Mother Earth gardens, 3-6pm
 Saturday at mill city farmers market 
Pretty fair chance of Sunday at Mnpls farmers market 

This morning I was feeling this strange sense of optimism and positivity,  I realized it was because I'd been sampling melons for about a half hour 
  So if you need a psychological boost,  buy a melon.... buy two and give one to a friend! 


Thursday, August 13, 2020


Melons;  fortunately, we have such a good crop, that even with 20% loss from hail,  we'll still have a truck load of melons for the mill city market Saturday. 

 Sadly no ripe sweet corn this weekend.   

Plenty melons and tomatoes 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Weds; Mother Earth Gardens

I never could stop the rain,
 So I'll be there, Mother Earth Gardens 

Monday, August 10, 2020


 A little shocking.  Plenty damage to the watermelon, but not a disaster.   15-20% loss, but it's such a good crop that I think it'll turn out ok.
 Damage to greenhouses too.   I think I can fix it. 
If I seem distracted this week,  it's probably because I am. 
 The usual schedule now 
 Mother Earth gardens, Longfellow, weds, 3-6pm 
 Mill City market Saturday 
 And, if there's enough corn,  Mnpls market Sunday 
Sweet corn, melons, tomatoes 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Sweet corn?

It's true.
 Look for the blue truck 
 I'll have it parked in the street by the mill city farmers market to avoid lines and crowding in the market 
 Sunday I'll be at the Mnpls farmers market with white corn.... somewhere near my usual location. 
Corn will be prebagged in half dozens,  $6.00 per half dozen 
Cash only please 
Thank you 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sweet corn

Sweet corn
 I almost want to keep it a secret 
 Also,  there's a fair chance of yellow watermelon by the weekend 
Quantities are difficult to figure at this point,   Please be patient 
 Weds 3-6pm at Mother Earth gardens 
Saturday,  Mill City market 
  And there's a chance of some white sweet corn for Sunday at the Minneapolis market